This fall and winter, our operatives will be appearing around the country to speak on the subjects covered in the Work book: the ways capitalism has changed, the new forms resistance is taking, and how to formulate anti-capitalist strategies in the 21st century. If you would like to set up a speaking event, please email help@crimethinc.com.
Tuesday, August 16, 7 pm Reading Frenzy, 921 SW Oak Street, Portland, OR info@readingfrenzy.com (503)274.1449 / more details
Wednesday, August 17, 7 pm Autonomia, 600 24th Avenue South, Seattle, WA / more details
Saturday and Sunday, August 20-21 Tabling at the Seattle Anarchist Book Fair
Thursday, August 25, 5:30 pm Random Row Books, 315 West Main Street, Charlottesville, VA
Friday, August 26, 7:00 pm Dream City Collective, Dream City Thrift, 5525 Illinois Avenue NW, Washington, DC / more details
Saturday, August 27 Frederick DIY Fest at United Church of Christ, 15 West Church St., Frederick, MD
Sunday, August 28, 1 pm - 5 pm Baltimore Free School, 1323 North Calvert Street, Baltimore, MD This will be a full four-hour seminar exploring the subjects brought up in Work in greater depth. Posters for the event are available here.
Monday, August 29, 7 pm Flying Brick Library, 506 South Pine Street, Richmond, VA 23220 / more details