For years, we’ve searched for a way people could watch our movies over the internet in the quality they deserve, rather than just pirating terrible low-quality versions. Finally, we’ve set up the CrimethInc. Emergency Broadcast System, an online movie-viewing theater. Four movies are currently available on the page: pickAxe, Breaking the Spell, The Miami Model, and Subversive Action Films’ excellent The Chicago Conspiracy. The site is quite rudimentary right now, but we plan on having Spanish-subtitled versions up soon, adding more features, and expanding the collection as times goes on.

The first three of these are also available on our Guerilla Film Series DVD, along with five other video shorts; The Chicago Conspiracy is also available on DVD from the directors. We urge viewers to support the filmmakers who are sharing their work by buying their DVDs or donating to them: filmmaking is one of the most expensive mediums, and without financial support we can expect fewer and lower quality radical movies in the future, at precisely the time that more are needed.
Check out the Frequently Asked Questions page for more information, and enjoy these four finely-crafted documentary films.