Thanks to a tremendous amount of work from comrades around the world, we are finally realizing our longtime dream of making this website fully accessible in a wide range of languages besides English. This is taking place on two fronts. First, it means translating the infrastructure of the site itself, such as the navigation bar and the site map; at the same time, it means translating the content of the site, such as articles, books, and zines. As of now, we have the infrastructure of the site functioning in English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish—and we have scores of articles, zines, posters, and books available in all of those languages and a dozen more. Here, we will review the progress we have made and describe how you can help us with the next steps.
As authoritarian governments lock down their borders and nationalists attempt to foment new divisions between people, we are ever more determined to build connections internationally. Revolutionary movements are most effective when they can learn from each other and extend solidarity transcontinentally. We put a great deal of effort into maintaining communication between anarchists and other rebels all around the world, with the goal of cultivating decades-long relationships.
Although our collective began in the early 1990s as an anglophone project and English is used as a lingua franca in many contexts in which people do not speak it as a first language, we aim to de-center English in order to make our projects more inclusive and to work towards developing analyses that are informed by a global range of experiences. To this end, we seek to publish perspectives from all around the world and to make these available in as many languages as possible.
Translating Content
CrimethInc. materials have already appeared in over three dozen languages; our introductory primer, To Change Everything, is available in 30. You can see all the different materials that we offer in different languages at crimethinc.com/languages.

You can choose your preferred language at crimethinc.com/languages in the footer of every page on our site.
Eventually, we hope to archive every version of every text of ours that has appeared in any language. Although we have expanded this site to include a tremendous number of articles, zines, posters, and books in languages other than English, we have not been able to find everything. If you can help us to track down CrimethInc. translations that are not available on this site yet—whether in a document file, a PDF, or in print—we would be very grateful. Contact us here.1
If you are willing to translate anything on our site, please write us at foreignlegion@crimethinc.com. You can see which languages an article is already available in below the title. If you translate a book, zine, or poster, our designers may be able to help you plug your translation into the existing layout as well.
Likewise, if you are involved in a publishing project in a language other than English, feel free to publish translations of our material. Everything we produce is copyright free. With your help, we can make our work accessible to people everywhere.

Beneath the title of each article, you can choose the language you wish to read it in.
Translating the Infrastructure
The infrastructure of the site includes the navigation elements, labels, and other material that structures the content. So far, we have the infrastructure of this site fully functional in English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish.
If you have your preferred language set in your browser, we automatically detect it and direct you to that version of the site. For example, if your browser is set to Italian, we will automatically direct you to it.crimethinc.com.

The header navigation bar in English, German, and Spanish.
When you open a page on our site, if we have a version of that page available in the language you are using, we’ll redirect you to it. If not, we’ll show you the English version of the page. If you are viewing the site itself in one language and you want to switch to another, you can do so by going to the languages section of the Site Map in the footer of the site and selecting your preferred language.
With a little help, we could make the site functional in a dozen more languages. If you are willing to assist us with translating the infrastructure, please email tech@crimethinc.com.
If you are already familiar with GitHub, the website we use for organizing the work on this site, you can get started immediately. Download this file from our GitHub repo and change all of the values in the file, translating into your language. Then you can create a pull request on GitHub or email the new file to us. Here’s the file:
If you already know your way around GitHub, you can submit a pull request for any files in this directory:
If you don’t know your way around GitHub, that’s ok. Just email us your translated YAML file and we’ll handle the rest.
Thank you so much!
Our wish list for non-English CrimethInc. texts includes the Russian and Korean printings of our book Work, the Turkish printing of our children’s book The Secret World of Terijian, the Serbo-Croat version of Evasion, and the original printings of the Spanish and Portuguese versions of our outreach paper, Harbinger, titled Heraldo and Arauto, respectively. If you can help us obtain any of these, we would be very grateful! ↩